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Meet the Team

Meet the awesome team behind PSPIA.

Leah Robinson

Dan D. Connor

Thomas J. Turner

security guard

Leah who lives in Holland has been a Security Conultant for over 22 years. ‘Security ореrаtіоnѕ whether it be at a small party or at an event with tens of thousands in attendance, саn run ѕmооthlу аnd еffісіеntlу with the correct planning, emergency procedures and safety measures in place’.

The Private Security Personnel International Association (PSPIA).
Explore the endless possibilities of networking with security personnel in other countries and be on the coveted PSPIA security database.

John Baudelaire lives in France and has been a private security personnel co-ordinator for 17 years.

‘It is of vital importance that all Event Security Staff give a positive friendly attitude at all times towards Patrons attending your Event, in particular at the points of entry’.

John Anderson IT Security Consultant lives in The UK and specialises in Event Security Personnel deployment.

Membership to the PSPIA is of benefit to all Private Security Personnel performing a variety of securtiy deployments including Door supervisors, Event Security, Close Protection, Security Dog handlers, Property Protection, Hotel Resort Security, Retail Security, Plain clothed Security Officers (under cover), Surveillance, Static Guarding, Internationally.

PSPIA is all about networking with other security personnel and marketing yourself as a Personable, Friendly and Efficient private security operative, Internationally.

Minimum membership to the prestigious PSPIA association entry is 1 year of experience of working within the private security industry.

Be notified of any regular security work or one-off events in your country of residence and other countries.

Male or Female of ANY Nationality may join us, one time membership payment fee unless upgrading to Elite status.

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